Where did they film Game of thrones in Croatia?

Some of the beautiful spots in Croatia have been propelled into a bizarre kind of limelight they never expected as they became filming locations for the weird, the extravagant and the fantastic!
The Minceta fortress becomes “King’s Landing” and the baroque, Jesuit “Spanish steps” are where “Queen Cesei” is forced to publicly walk naked (a bar round the corner serves a “mojito of shame”).
Mighty Lovrijenac Fort, part of Dubrovnik’s famous ramparts is “Red Keep”, the king’s residence and location of “The Iron Throne”. Nearby Gradac Park was the setting for the “Purple Wedding” and 10 minutes across the water, Lokrum island fortress helped create “Qarth”.
Diocletian’s Palace and Klis Fortress a medieval fortress just north of the city became the slave city of “Meereen” and the vast basement of the Palace was the setting of many schemed with “Daenerys.”
The old town with it’s narrow, winding streets doubled for “Braavos” and the fighting pits of “Meereen.”
The walled medieval town became “Qarth” and nearby Kastel Gomilica’s amazing medieval castles played the entrance to “Braavos.”
Krka National Park, the 5km long Great Walls of Ston, and Baska Voda
also played their part in “Game of Thrones” with the addition of ice, fire and the rest of it.
The most talked-about television fantasy drama in a long time may be coming to an end soon, but the passionate followers can relive it all with a spring, summer or autumn holiday in glorious Croatia.
Sightseeing of cultural monuments, a boat trip to the islands or even kayaking or windsurfing, fresh Mediterranean food, exquisite hidden piazzas, some excellent outdoor theatre and music, crystal clear waters and beaches fringed with pine trees are just some of the other aspects that make for a great holiday in Croatia (no stage costumes required – regular holiday clothes will do nicely).